Saalburg-Ebersdorf Business directory
> Germany > Thuringia > Saale-Orla-Kreis > Saalburg-Ebersdorf
Business entries of Saalburg-Ebersdorf are gathered here with informations of address, hours and ratings of customers. You can add your own business entry or association on this page.
Saalburg-Ebersdorf entries
There were 236 entries found
Krankenhausstr. 17
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
(+49) 0 3665187039 |
Bahnhofstr. 8
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
+49 (0)36647294675 | |
+49 (0)36647294677 |
Schnbrunn 14
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
(+49) 0 3665187097 |
Zoppoten 55
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
+49 (0) 36647 23984 | |
+49 (0) 36647 23985 |
Krankenhausstr. 12A
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
+49 (0)3665155368 | |
+49 (0)36651555056 |
Markt 81
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
+49 (0) 3664729129 |
Straße für Landtechnik 3
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
+49 (0) 7821/2890 | |
+49 (0) 36651/87063 |
Am Bahnhof 96
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
(036651) 669 0 | |
+49 (0) 36651 / 66969 |
Ehrenhain 7A
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
(+49) 0 36647-22455 |
Krankenhausstr. 7
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
036651 87367 | |
036651 55193 |
Schnbrunn 18
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
(+49) 0 3665187119 |
Thomas - Müntzer - Siedlung 3
07929, Saalburg-Ebersdorf
+49 (0)36651/30202 | |
+49 (0)36651/385850 |
Cities & surrounding
Saalburg-Ebersdorf branches and surrounding
- Berlin
- Hamburg
- Munich
- Cologne
- Frankfurt (Hesse)
- Stuttgart
- Düsseldorf
- Dortmund
- Essen
- Bremen (Stadtgemeinde Bremen)
- Dresden
- Leipzig
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Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Saalburg-Ebersdorf in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 8 were updated and 6 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Saalburg-Ebersdorf with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Geographic information
Place name: | Saalburg-Ebersdorf |
Latitude: | 50.4917000 |
Longitude: | 11.7000000 |
Population: | 3585 |